05 May 2008


weekends just aren't long enough.

because really they are only one day long. saturday. that's it. sunday is church and family day. friday isn't really the weekend, because you still have to work all day. so saturday is really all there is to a weekend. and how can you be expected to get everything done that you need to in one day? can't. impossible.

this 'weekend' was branson's birthday. and i made him the best chocolate cake he has ever tasted. aren't i nice? ha ha

in the morning, we went and took engagement pictures with our photographer slash mechanic slash good friend mike. it was a lot of fun. i haven't seen the pics yet, but as soon as i have a digital copy, i'll post them for everyone to admire. smile. it truly was a lot of fun. brans was in kindof a goofy mood which made it more fun. so we laughed the whole time. it was fantastic.

then we went to pf changs (best lettuce wraps ever) for lunch as a birthday/thank you lunch with mike. and then we made an appearance at kadee's graduation party. so by that point, our day was shot.

no laundry got done. no cleaning even thought about. and no time for planning either.

i need another day of the week where i don't have to work and can just run errands. with a few of my friends graduating, i've realized what a blessing it is that i took this semester off. i've been so busy without school. if i had finals the past two weeks as well? probably be dead i would. (a little yoda phrasing for the star wars fantasmagorics of the world) good grief! i'm already losing my mind just thinking about it.

so lets consider this a disclaimer, shall we? if i seem absent-minded, or focused on other things, its with good reason. "i've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and guilder to frame for it; i'm swamped." false. but i do have wedding cakes to make, my wedding to finish planning, wallpaper to take down and walls to paint and so much cleaning to do, i don't want to think about it. i really am swamped. but i'm sure it will all turn out fine.

i hope it all turns out fine.

1 comment:

A said...

I could come help you paint this Wednesday and possibly Friday night...If you would lik the help.