We thank thee, O God, for a prophet
to guide us in these latter days.
We thank thee for sending the gospel
to lighten our minds with its rays.
We thank thee for every blessing
bestowed by thy bounteous hand.
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee
and love to obey thy command.
When dark clouds of trouble hang o'er us
and threaten out peace to destroy,
there is hope smiling brightly before us,
and we know that deliverance is nigh.
We doubt not the Lord nor his goodness.
We've proved him in days that are past.
The wicked who fight against Zion
will surely be smitten at last.
We'll see of his goodness and mercy.
We'll praise him by day and by night,
rejoice in his glorious gospel,
and bask in his life-giving light.
Thus on to eternal perfection the honest and faithful will go,
while they who reject this glad message
shall never such happiness know.
We thank thee for sending the gospel
to lighten our minds with its rays.
We thank thee for every blessing
bestowed by thy bounteous hand.
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee
and love to obey thy command.
When dark clouds of trouble hang o'er us
and threaten out peace to destroy,
there is hope smiling brightly before us,
and we know that deliverance is nigh.
We doubt not the Lord nor his goodness.
We've proved him in days that are past.
The wicked who fight against Zion
will surely be smitten at last.
We'll see of his goodness and mercy.
We'll praise him by day and by night,
rejoice in his glorious gospel,
and bask in his life-giving light.
Thus on to eternal perfection the honest and faithful will go,
while they who reject this glad message
shall never such happiness know.
As most of the world knows by now,
our beloved Prophet and President of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last night.
I have had the privilege of being in President Hinckley's presence more times that I think I deserve. But a few of my favorite memories are those times around him. I have been to multiple sessions of General Conference and can never shake the overwhelming feeling of "This man is called of God." When he walked into the room the spirit manifest it so strongly. The hush that falls. 21,000 people on their feet, not making a sound. That's incredible. The choir stands and sings, "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" and I am completely overwhelmed. Its the most incredible feeling in the world.
But my favorite is after the close of the meeting, when he gets on his feet. The organ is blaring
postlude music and lame people start to leave. But the ones who linger are blessed to see President Hinckley's smiling face as he leaves the stand. He looks up, smiles and waves his cane. Not just once, but three times. And those lucky saints who decide to stay are humbled and blessed to see such a cheerful servant of the Lord.
our beloved Prophet and President of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away last night.
I was at Branson's house and got several phone calls and text messages with the news. Initially I was peacefully heartbroken. But the more I heard and the more I thought about it, the more I was filled with joy!
What a great
blessing it is to know the plan of salvation. To know exactly where he went and who he was with. And what a magnificent reunion I'm sure it was between him and his life-long sweetheart, Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley. What a perfect match! I want to be like her. She is one of my heroes. And one day, when I'm old, someone will love me like President Hinckley loves her.

I have had the privilege of being in President Hinckley's presence more times that I think I deserve. But a few of my favorite memories are those times around him. I have been to multiple sessions of General Conference and can never shake the overwhelming feeling of "This man is called of God." When he walked into the room the spirit manifest it so strongly. The hush that falls. 21,000 people on their feet, not making a sound. That's incredible. The choir stands and sings, "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" and I am completely overwhelmed. Its the most incredible feeling in the world.
But my favorite is after the close of the meeting, when he gets on his feet. The organ is blaring

I love it. You couldn't help but smile and laugh quietly to yourself at what a cute man he is.
When I was almost 9 years old, I was asked to sing in a choir for the Centennial of Utah. It was 1996, and President Hinckley had been a prophet for less than a year. The program was long and I was antsy to leave, but one of the choir directors who was a family friend, pulled me aside and said, "Shan, the First Presidency will be in the north west corner of the building. Go shake their hands!" What 9 year old girl, let alone anyone, would pass up that opportunity?! I made my way over, but had to wait in a line. For being 9 years old, I was fairly calm and collected, and waited patiently.
It was finally my turn. "I get to meet the prophet!" I remember saying that over and over again in my head. I looked up to see President Hinckley's smiling face, standing next to President Monson and President Faust. They each shook my hand, but when I got to President Hinckley, he firmly shook my hand and looked into my eyes.
"You have the cutest smile I have ever seen," he said, while I turned as red as the stripes on the flag behind me. I mustered a shaky "Thank you, President Hinckley," and he looked over at President Monson and said, "She is going to be a great missionary someday, wouldn't you say?" President Monson nodded in agreement and I was speechless. All I could do was smile. I was beaming.
I love President Hinckley. He has been the prophet for a large portion of my life. 13 years. Incredible. I am going to miss hearing him in General Conference, as well as his cute shaking hands to emphasize a point in his talks. But I am thrilled to see what President Monson will focus on as prophet, seer and revelator. What a brilliant successor. It will be great.
It was finally my turn. "I get to meet the prophet!" I remember saying that over and over again in my head. I looked up to see President Hinckley's smiling face, standing next to President Monson and President Faust. They each shook my hand, but when I got to President Hinckley, he firmly shook my hand and looked into my eyes.
"You have the cutest smile I have ever seen," he said, while I turned as red as the stripes on the flag behind me. I mustered a shaky "Thank you, President Hinckley," and he looked over at President Monson and said, "She is going to be a great missionary someday, wouldn't you say?" President Monson nodded in agreement and I was speechless. All I could do was smile. I was beaming.
I love President Hinckley. He has been the prophet for a large portion of my life. 13 years. Incredible. I am going to miss hearing him in General Conference, as well as his cute shaking hands to emphasize a point in his talks. But I am thrilled to see what President Monson will focus on as prophet, seer and revelator. What a brilliant successor. It will be great.
"This is a time to be strong. It is a time to move forward without hesitation, knowing well the meaning, the breadth and the importance of our mission. It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow. It is a time to be found keeping the commandments. It is a season to reach out with kindness and love to those in distress and to those who are wandering in darkness and pain. It is a time to be considerate and good, decent and courteous toward one another in all our relationships. In other words, to become more Christlike."
"It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.

It all works out. Don’t worry.
I say that to myself every morning.
It will all work out.
Put your trust in God,
and move forward with faith
and confidence in the future.
The Lord will not forsake us.
He will not forsake us.
If we will put our trust in Him,
if we will pray to Him,
if we will live worthy of His blessings,
He will hear our prayers."
President Gordon Bitner Hinckley 1910-2008
President Gordon Bitner Hinckley 1910-2008
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