Wrecked. My poor car! This isn't a very good picture, but it gives you and idea of the damage.
I was driving home from work and I was slowing down, when I sneezed - three times in a row. That's right. Sneeze. As in, ah-choo. Ridiculous, isn't it. I sneezed and closed my eyes and my foot released the brake and I slammed into the back of another car.
I wasn't going very fast. I was already slowing down to stop at a light. I couldn't have been going more than 10 or 15 mph. The whole situation is uncanny and surreal almost. I wasn't going fast enough for my airbags to even deploy. But it may have totalled my car. It pushed the radiator back into everything on the passenger side of the car and compressed the front frame of the car into the doors so that I couldn't open them. I had to crawl out the window.
But no injuries were sustained. My neck is a little sore this morning, but other than that all parties involved are ok. Including the other car.
Just not mine...
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