21 November 2007

Giving Thanks

Well its officially been a week since my $9,000 sneeze happened (I've decided that referring to it as a ridiculously expensive sneeze doesn't make me as sad as calling it an accident...). Its strange how time flies by. And how slow it goes at the same time. It will still be a couple weeks before I get my car back. But hopefully it will all go well and according to plan, which places my car back in my posession the early part of December. But I'm not planning on it. That way I won't be as disappointed when I get it back the week before Christmas.

Merry Christmas to me.

Anyway, things have started to mend. My neck is almost good again- Still a little sore, but bearable. I can atleast fall asleep now, whereas before I had a hard time getting comfortable enough to fall asleep.

And Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I LOVE Thanksgiving! It is officially my favorite holiday! Even more than Christmas. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong. But it is so commercialized and the focus isn't right. That's part of why Thanksgiving is so great. Its almost skipped over. Everyone goes straight into Christmas mode from Halloween, and sort of disregard Thanksgiving - after all, its just a big dinner, right?

WRONG. It is the best day of the year. Its a time for family, fun, food and football. What more could you ask for? You reflect on all of the things you are thankful for and all of the blessings you have been given. You eat delicious food with people you love and who love you back. Its just so great. What a fantastic holiday!

So here's wishing everyone a fantastic Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy the parade! Savor the food! Eat more pie than you should! And most of all, remember to give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

A said...

I agree Thanksgiving is better than Christmas, Ryan and I got in an argument about it, but seriously, who can't give thanks for having food? It must be a Hebdon thing. I was driving the other day and I sneezed and I thought of you.