17 April 2008

santiago chile north

i can't fully express how excited i am to have two brothers out on missions. my brother austin (as previously mentioned) will be in toronto, canada. and branson's brother chad got his call last night to the santiago chile north mission. two different hemispheres... crazy! but i am so excited for both of them.

last night, we met up with brad, kendyll and wesley and we all went down to provo to see chad as he opened that white envelope. he lives in the dorms, so we were crammed into the common room with, what seemed like 50 byu students. in reality, there were probably only like 15 or 20, but it felt like more. but it was cool to see how much support chad has down there. he is quite the popular kid... girls were all over him (i have to laugh at myself for a minute - when all of these different girls were hugging chad, crying, etc... i found myself taking on the role of "the older sister", which is what i am, though i'm not sure that's how chad sees me. i'm probably just his brother's fiance. anyway, i found kendyll (who's the oldest and only girl in their family) and myself sharing expressions and wondering who were these girls? what are they doing all over chad? are they good enough for chad? etc... it was funny to me. but its only because i love chad like my own brother and i just want the best for him...)

it was fun to spend time with brad and kendyll. i love them. kendyll and i get a long really well, and i'm so glad! i was a little nervous when first meeting her - what if she didn't like me? or what if i didn't like her? but i think this is the start of a beautiful sisterhood. i can't wait to spend more time with her!

anyway, yay for missionaries. chad is going to be a great missionary. i'm really excited for him. and i'm so excited for austin. my two brothers on missions. they'll be great.

god bless those 19 year old boys...

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