10 December 2007


AH! What a beautiful day Friday was! I was finally reunited with my car! After 3 and a half painful, inconvenient weeks, my car was finally finished.

It was a pretty emotional moment for me. Ha ha I would be lying if I said that I didn't get teary-eyed when I first saw my car. My dad and I drove up the street and it was sitting out front, beautiful and clean, pre-sneeze condition, if you will. It was beautiful! And the tears welled in my grateful eyes.

I'm not sure if the tears were mostly excitement to have it back, remembering the wreck and recognizing how grateful I truly was to not be injured, or a combination of both. It was great, though! I got in the drivers seat and felt at home. OH HOW I MISSED MY CAR! But now we've been reunited and life is much cheerier. Not just for me, either. Tay's been a good sport letting me use his car. Sweet. He's a good kid. He about did cartwheels when he realized he was getting his car back. How precious.

Moral of the story: I will never sneeze while driving again.

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