its official! the ring is on my finger!
june 12th in the salt lake temple
28 March 2008
so yesterday, as with many other days, branson called me at work and said he wanted to go to dinner. i thought it sounded like a good idea, so we ironed out the details and decided to go to the jasmine (after going through a few other options). but it sounded really good, so after work and piano lessons, he met me at my house. we went over to the restaurant, and i was not expecting anything.
to backtrack: on wednesday night, we went to go pick up my ring. its a tension setting, so resizing it takes a long time because the band is custom fit to the diamond... so we had to go in and make sure it fit before he just gave it to me. lame. so we went in, tried it on - it fit perfectly! i didn't want to take it off! but he made me. and told me i could have it next week. after monday.
needless to say, i was pretty sure he would keep it all weekend just to spite me.
so we ate dinner, had an excellent time and then the waitress brought out the check with two fortune cookies. see, i don't really like fortune cookies, and i never eat the whole cookie. i take out the fortune and give the other half to branson. and that's precisely what i did. but before i got a chance to do that, he stole the one i had out of my hands! "i want that fortune!" he said. "you always take the good fortune away from me! if i get a bad fortune, you're in so much trouble!" was my reply.
i broke the cookie in half, set the other half on branson's plate, and started to unfold me fortune, when something caught my eye. there was something in the other half of the cookie! (i'm mildly embarrased to admit that i had no idea what it was. seriously! my first thought was that is was some pebble or something - who knows what they really put in fortune cookies? good luck pebbles from china? you don't know! its possible!) anyway, i grabbed at the cookie, desperate to find out what it was. (i'm sure branson was just laughing at me the whole time... but he saved face. i was impressed)
i broke the cookie open to find my ring! hooray! i couldn't help but nod my head... YES! i was so excited! i looked up at branson and he said, "shan, read your fortune..." so i unfolded the tiny piece of paper to find these words:
to backtrack: on wednesday night, we went to go pick up my ring. its a tension setting, so resizing it takes a long time because the band is custom fit to the diamond... so we had to go in and make sure it fit before he just gave it to me. lame. so we went in, tried it on - it fit perfectly! i didn't want to take it off! but he made me. and told me i could have it next week. after monday.
needless to say, i was pretty sure he would keep it all weekend just to spite me.
so we ate dinner, had an excellent time and then the waitress brought out the check with two fortune cookies. see, i don't really like fortune cookies, and i never eat the whole cookie. i take out the fortune and give the other half to branson. and that's precisely what i did. but before i got a chance to do that, he stole the one i had out of my hands! "i want that fortune!" he said. "you always take the good fortune away from me! if i get a bad fortune, you're in so much trouble!" was my reply.

i broke the cookie in half, set the other half on branson's plate, and started to unfold me fortune, when something caught my eye. there was something in the other half of the cookie! (i'm mildly embarrased to admit that i had no idea what it was. seriously! my first thought was that is was some pebble or something - who knows what they really put in fortune cookies? good luck pebbles from china? you don't know! its possible!) anyway, i grabbed at the cookie, desperate to find out what it was. (i'm sure branson was just laughing at me the whole time... but he saved face. i was impressed)
i broke the cookie open to find my ring! hooray! i couldn't help but nod my head... YES! i was so excited! i looked up at branson and he said, "shan, read your fortune..." so i unfolded the tiny piece of paper to find these words:
Shan, will you marry me?
i just giggled and looked at him, nodding and saying yes - i was so thrilled! i really had no idea! it was fantastic! it wasn't a big scene, although there were lots of people around. but we were sitting in a booth kindof separate from the others. it was absolutely perfect! i loved every moment!
we kissed and laughed and talked and waited for the waitress to come pick up the check. she smiled as she walked over to us, saying "congratulations" when she got to the table. i was amazed how he did it! in a fortune cookie! how rad is that!
i asked him how he did it - how he got it in the fortune cookie and arranged the whole thing. he told me he had called our friend chelsy (who works at the jasmine) the night before and said, chels this is my idea, can you help me do it? so chelsy talked to her boss and they arranged the whole thing and it was smooth sailing after that. it truly was perfect! i couldn't believe it!
i was... still am so impressed!
during dinner we decided we would maybe go see a movie (part of his plan to throw me off... which worked very well, btw.) but he was very non-committal about the movie, saying we didn't have to see it that night. i didn't understand why until after. but, smart man that he is, he knew i would want to go show my mom immediately. i wasn't the only one being tortured those two weeks. ha ha. so we went and showed my family, called his mom and then went to the xi cottage (branson's house). josh and jason were there hanging out and they wanted to see, so we talked to them for a little while, chelsy came over shortly after and told me all about how they made it work. she was so cute! she was so worried someone was going to ruin it and say something to me. but they didn't and it couldn't have been better.
after we talked to everyone (nick and kadee came home, and later mike face and stu came over as well), branson and i made our way downstairs for a little alone time. he was so sweet the whole night - not like sicky-i'm-up-to-something sweet, but genuinely sweet because he loves me. we talked and kissed for a while and then he said that he knew it was official before, but the ring sealed the deal. it filled whatever was missing before. things were different now. there was now proof of the commitment. it was sweet. i love him.
anyway, so that's my story. i liked it.
and i'm so excited to marry branson!
only 75 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes until i can!
and i'm so excited to marry branson!
only 75 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes until i can!
good news!
good news! after over two weeks of waiting, i'm finally not being tortured anymore!
i am so excited! truth be told, we've been officially engaged for a few weeks -
with a temple date and almost everything planned,
but now i have a ring
and it is very much official!
and i love branson. so much.
I'M GETTING MARRIED! To Branson! Hooray!
i am so excited! truth be told, we've been officially engaged for a few weeks -
with a temple date and almost everything planned,
but now i have a ring
and it is very much official!
and i love branson. so much.
27 March 2008
i'm being tortured.
cruelly and unusually. t o r t u r e d.
might as well tie me up, lay me on the floor, and drop water on my forehead - one drop at a time spanned over several hours. i think i could handle that better than this blasted waiting game.
cruelly and unusually. t o r t u r e d.
might as well tie me up, lay me on the floor, and drop water on my forehead - one drop at a time spanned over several hours. i think i could handle that better than this blasted waiting game.
26 March 2008
well... so many things have been going on, and i haven't had time to update the blogging world. so consider this my formal apology:
updates will be along shortly...
i'm sorry.
updates will be along shortly...
24 March 2008
family news
so branson and i decided to get married. we went and looked at rings and branson found the perfect one... but it takes 10-15 days for it to be made and shipped back to the store. so we decided to keep our unofficial engagement kinda secret. we just didn't have a story of how he asked, or a ring to show for it... so we decided not to tell a lot of people. but the hebdon family birthday party was on saturday and this is how we decided to let them know:
when i told my siblings that branson and i were going to get married, the responses were quite different from each of the 7. and braden's was my favorite. we were sitting in church, and everyone else knew, but knew not to say anything yet. the meeting ended and i leaned over to braden and said, "i have to tell you a secret... branson and i are getting married." he looked at me with huge eyes, kinda asking for confirmation and then punched his fist into the air and said, "I'M GETTING A NEW BROTHER!!"
cutest thing i've ever seen.
so my mom and i were trying to figure out the best way to announce this at the party during our 'family news'. (sidenote: at every family party, we go down the line of families, announcing anything new or noteworthy - usually marriages, new babies, moving info, graduations, baptisms, etc... anything really) so we decided then would be the best time. all the families would be there or at least represented, so we sat patiently through the family news and waited until they got to my mom (who is the 6 out of 7). she announced that austin had received his mission call, that bryson just finished the play at evergreen and then said, "and braden has an announcement..."
braden looked up and said "i'm getting a new brother on july 12th!" and i kinda tensed - "its june" i whispered. mom corrected him and said, "i think its june 12th, brade." "oh yeah! i'm getting a new brother on june 12th!"
all eyes turned immediately to my mom who has been known to keep her pregnancies a secret until she was insanely far along - with pie face, i think she told people in september and she was born in november. so she's good at hiding it. so instantly, people were a little upset slash happy to hear it. my mom, the great actress that she is, just stood there for a minute and smiled, laughing to herself. then said, "not me... i'm not pregnant... shanna's bringing a new brother into the family. branson and shanna are getting married on june 12th."
people were a little relived and when they put it all together, were really excited and came over and congratulated us.
but i can't tell you how hilarious it was to see the look on some of their faces! ha ha i wish i had pictures! priceless.
but now its out, slowly but surely, and the world is starting to find out our little secret... but technically its still not "official". there's no ring on my finger. and he hasn't "asked" the question. but in reality it is. we're getting married on june 12th. we have a temple date and everything else squared away. the reception site is booked, the luncheon is also. the dress will be bought this week, etc.
but still no ring. apparently it takes eternity to make.
good thing that's how long i have with branson.
ha ha
and who knows? maybe its just burning a whole in branson's pocket and he wants me to be surprised. we shall see.
when i told my siblings that branson and i were going to get married, the responses were quite different from each of the 7. and braden's was my favorite. we were sitting in church, and everyone else knew, but knew not to say anything yet. the meeting ended and i leaned over to braden and said, "i have to tell you a secret... branson and i are getting married." he looked at me with huge eyes, kinda asking for confirmation and then punched his fist into the air and said, "I'M GETTING A NEW BROTHER!!"
cutest thing i've ever seen.
so my mom and i were trying to figure out the best way to announce this at the party during our 'family news'. (sidenote: at every family party, we go down the line of families, announcing anything new or noteworthy - usually marriages, new babies, moving info, graduations, baptisms, etc... anything really) so we decided then would be the best time. all the families would be there or at least represented, so we sat patiently through the family news and waited until they got to my mom (who is the 6 out of 7). she announced that austin had received his mission call, that bryson just finished the play at evergreen and then said, "and braden has an announcement..."
braden looked up and said "i'm getting a new brother on july 12th!" and i kinda tensed - "its june" i whispered. mom corrected him and said, "i think its june 12th, brade." "oh yeah! i'm getting a new brother on june 12th!"
all eyes turned immediately to my mom who has been known to keep her pregnancies a secret until she was insanely far along - with pie face, i think she told people in september and she was born in november. so she's good at hiding it. so instantly, people were a little upset slash happy to hear it. my mom, the great actress that she is, just stood there for a minute and smiled, laughing to herself. then said, "not me... i'm not pregnant... shanna's bringing a new brother into the family. branson and shanna are getting married on june 12th."
people were a little relived and when they put it all together, were really excited and came over and congratulated us.
but i can't tell you how hilarious it was to see the look on some of their faces! ha ha i wish i had pictures! priceless.
but now its out, slowly but surely, and the world is starting to find out our little secret... but technically its still not "official". there's no ring on my finger. and he hasn't "asked" the question. but in reality it is. we're getting married on june 12th. we have a temple date and everything else squared away. the reception site is booked, the luncheon is also. the dress will be bought this week, etc.
but still no ring. apparently it takes eternity to make.
good thing that's how long i have with branson.
ha ha
and who knows? maybe its just burning a whole in branson's pocket and he wants me to be surprised. we shall see.
17 March 2008
16 March 2008
big hits
so the utah league of credit unions hosted the annual meeting for credit unions this weekend. the decor was amazing - our graphics guy tom is the champion of art. it looked incredible! the theme was old 20s and 30s movies/hollywood theaters... it was a great idea.
except for our uniform/costumes.
thats right. this is what we looked like. dancing monkeys. we had the red vests, red bowties and they even made us hats. (the fact that we all refused to wear them professes how truly awful they were.) just the vests looked fine. however, we soon realized that women's white oxford shirts were not crafted for ties. most of the women's shirts only had buttons to their collar bone,
so we couldn't button the top to make it work with the bowtie. someone suggested we just wear them as a choker, but as soon as we did we suddenly had the urge to deal cards at a blackjack table in vegas, or to serve drinks (also in vegas), or as one of the committee members put bluntly, "join chip 'n dales". ha ha we all got a good laugh out of it as we tossed the bowties aside and went on our way to make credit union employees feel like they were having a truly magical movie theater experience.

that being said, the meeting was a success. we heard nothing but praise.
just pray that next year our outfits are not comparable to a monkeys.
06 March 2008
march... yikes. this year is already going by too fast. too many things are going on and too many decisions need to be made... its enough to make anyone hate the month of march.
however, great things also happen in march. just to name a few: easter with goldenrod for breakfast. (one of my favorite family traditions. its a hebdon thing. it consists of toast with a white cream sauce with hard boiled eggs in it. MmmmMmmm i love it.) st patricks day, also, many friends and family members birthdays. speaking of, today is my brother taylor's birthday. he turns 17. which is truly weird for me. i know i'm only almost 21, but i feel old. in my head i picture him 12 years old. weird. 17... agh! anyway, today also happens to be gramps' birthday. blaine orion hebdon. what a man. he passed away my senior year of high school due to leukemia. he would have been 81 today.
march also brings my favorite two week long sporting event. (next to the world series... well, actually side by side. i love them both) MARCH MADNESS! could not be more excited. i love it. there's so much love in the game and its always entertaining. i love the upsets. i love filling out brackets. i love watching ncaa ball. love it. seriously... l o v e i t. i can't wait.
and apparently march also means making decisions. i have lots of things to think about... and slowly but surely, i'm figuring things out. actually, a lot quicker than i would have thought.
but on that note, happy birthday taylor and gramps. and happy march madness to all, coming up. march should turn out to be a fabulous month.
however, great things also happen in march. just to name a few: easter with goldenrod for breakfast. (one of my favorite family traditions. its a hebdon thing. it consists of toast with a white cream sauce with hard boiled eggs in it. MmmmMmmm i love it.) st patricks day, also, many friends and family members birthdays. speaking of, today is my brother taylor's birthday. he turns 17. which is truly weird for me. i know i'm only almost 21, but i feel old. in my head i picture him 12 years old. weird. 17... agh! anyway, today also happens to be gramps' birthday. blaine orion hebdon. what a man. he passed away my senior year of high school due to leukemia. he would have been 81 today.
march also brings my favorite two week long sporting event. (next to the world series... well, actually side by side. i love them both) MARCH MADNESS! could not be more excited. i love it. there's so much love in the game and its always entertaining. i love the upsets. i love filling out brackets. i love watching ncaa ball. love it. seriously... l o v e i t. i can't wait.
and apparently march also means making decisions. i have lots of things to think about... and slowly but surely, i'm figuring things out. actually, a lot quicker than i would have thought.
but on that note, happy birthday taylor and gramps. and happy march madness to all, coming up. march should turn out to be a fabulous month.
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